Goal: $1,500.00
Specific Need
Titusville Renaissance, Inc. is seeking donations to support a $1,500 goal to pursue Titusville placemaking projects such as downtown promotions, public art, informational maps, utility box covers, and banners.
Titusville Renaissance, Inc. is an independent, volunteer, 501c3 nonprofit revitalization organization committed to the enhancement of the greater Titusville community.
Titusville Renaissance, Inc., known as TRI, is a 501c3 nonprofit which began as Titusville’s Main Street Program in 1992. After the conclusion of the Main Street Program, TRI continued as an all-volunteer Board supported through public fundraising. Since 2007, TRI has helped attract more than a half million dollars in funding to the Titusville area via grants, donations, and pass-through services.
Our current projects include Titusville Area Placemaking and associated grant projects, Titusville Open Air Market (TOAM), Titusville Area Trails Association (TATA), Farm to Fork, National Trails Day, Second Chance Sundays markets, event promotion for local businesses and events, and associated advocacy activities.
We are seeking donations to support continued placemaking projects in Titusville. Earlier this year we installed seven utility box covers downtown featuring the work of local artists depicting scenes, items, and people related to Titusville's heritage. We also put up new "Historic Downtown Titusville Welcomes You" banners on utility poles downtown and placed downtown landmark maps at Founders Park, Scheide Park, OC&T Railroad, and Burgess Park. TRI hopes to continue and expand these efforts to welcome residents and visitors alike to the downtown and showcase our town's many historic and cultural assets.